
12:45 am

Laura Pocurull Villalba

Sustainable city with Minecraft

The sixth grade students of the Congost school in Canovellas (Barcelona), are participating in an e-Twinning project with students from Italy, Turkey and Poland called “Futureland” from the English area.

The sixth grade students of the Congost school in Canovellas (Barcelona), are participating in an e-Twinning project with students from Italy, Turkey and Poland called “Futureland” from the English area. This project is closely related to the classroom project dealing with life in Catalonia today. Therefore, students should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of living in large cities such as Barcelona and try to find possible solutions to these disadvantages, following the parameters of SDG 11. All this information is compiled and explained by video call to the students in the countries with which we collaborate, who also explain their conclusions to us. From here they collaboratively develop a sustainable city with renewable energies through Minecraft Education. This ideal but feasible city will be explained and displayed on the school’s website to disseminate the actions we can take to improve our city.


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