
10:45 am

Núria Ferré

Digital Twin Boxes

This project aims to train teachers to collaboratively create gamified classroom experiences with challenges related to the SDGs.

In order to reduce the human factor in industrial activities, the training of professionals in the plants must be emphasized. Through the initial project AFP21/00138, a pioneering training and technological training program in gamified immersive virtual reality was generated, generating the Digital Twin Boxes (DTB) active methodologies. Various scenarios and situations were created under normal conditions, with unforeseen events, in emergency conditions and psychosocial risks in basic industrial maintenance operations. The initial project had a great impact on the media among the FP centers of the Chemical and Related Families. Prevention technicians from various companies participated as advisors and testers, highlighting the high applicability in the industrial sector to prevent the human factor as a source of accidents and incidents. The integration of virtual reality in the form of a serious game in education increases participation and engagement. It ensures that future workers are equipped with technical skills, and integrate safety awareness in a constantly evolving field. Promoting the use of DTBs in compulsory education stages (ESO, Primary, Adult Education Centers or Penitentiaries), and the Population of the Consortium’s centers’ environment, will promote safety culture and will awaken interest in science and the inclusion of women in industrial sectors. It will add value to VET as a post-compulsory educational option. DTBs are expanding by generating transferable products in the form of suitcases with real and immersive experiences to promote safety and work on the human factor from early stages.


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