
12:00 am

Neus Lorenzo & Ray Gallon

What do AR, Active Listening, jalapenos, SDGs in the classroom, and Artificial Intelligence have in common?

This paper highlights the complexity of education and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in teacher training. Although seemingly very different, the elements of the title demonstrate the close relationship between brain chemistry, social interaction and effective learning, and converge in their ability to positively influence learning. Augmented Reality in education, for example, activates dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with learning and motivation, when unexpected and stimulating learning experiences are offered. And the rest of the list? We’ll see during the session!

This paper highlights the complexity of education and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to teacher education. Although seemingly very different, the elements of the title demonstrate the close relationship between brain chemistry, social interaction and effective learning, and converge in their ability to positively influence learning. Augmented Reality in education, for example, activates dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with learning and motivation, when unexpected and stimulating learning experiences are offered. And the rest of the list? We’ll see during the session! FIRST: we will explore the variables that influence the processes of personalization and educational success. Do you want a “spyder”… PISA doesn’t measure them all! SECOND: we will review the different connectivist proposals that are currently trying to integrate technological, pedagogical and cognitive components in conceptual models: TPAK, DUA, STEAM, etc. What do they have in common? THIRD: we will comment on the latest emerging proposals that have been generated with the emergence of Artificial Intelligence. FOURTH: we will see the contrasted principles that can favor the incorporation of Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and other immersive digital technologies into the classroom in a planned way. In short, we point out the importance of an education oriented to the resolution of authentic problems, a holistic learning that can generate integrated and integrative knowledge, and a technologically enriched educational project with sustainable development objectives linked to collective welfare. And the jalapeños? We will see who dares!


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